Midi Keyboard Entry

• Oct 6, 2020 - 20:08

Please make it so we can just play notes on our piano keyboards and have them show up as played in the score. Garage Band lets you do it. I know that it's not always precise, but it's easy enough to adjust things after entry. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE implement full recognition for piano keyboard entry! :)


In reply to by jeetee

This does seem to be an answer to my request.

I searched and searched for this, but couldn't find it. I guess it is because I didn't use the exact phrase "realtime." I wouldn't have thought to use that phrase as I'd never heard it used in connection with piano keyboards before. All of my searching in the manual and on the forums and in the preferences has always come up short.

Thank you for the link! I will drag out my keyboard and see if I can get the realtime input to work as described.

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