Choose what to cut/copy/paste (one or more of notes, lyrics, chords)

• Aug 28, 2014 - 16:31


For some reason (maybe I read about it somewhere, but now I can't find where) I thought this would be in 2.0 but it's not.

When I cut/copy/paste I would like to be able to pick what gets pasted.
The default behavior is that cut/copy/paste applies to chords, notes, lyrics.
This is fine sometimes, and some other times not so fine.

For example, I write 16 bars with their chords and lyrics.
Now I want 16 identical bars but with different lyrics.

If I copy/paste, the lyrics from the source get pasted too, and I have to delete them one by one.

My apologies if this has been asked before, I spent some time searching this forum and could not find anything.


It *is* in 2.0 Beta 1. See View / Selection Filter (shortcut F6). Works great from what I have seen! Do note that it is a "pre-copy-filter" - you set it before doing the "Copy", not after. That is to say it operates on the selection itself, not on the contents of the clipboard.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have tried the selection filter to copy just a section of lyrics from one part to another, but I can't get it to work. I'm probably doing something wrong.

If I deselect every filter check-box except "Lyrics", it is not possible to create the selection box. If I also tick, for example, "First voice", the selection box appears. However, the 'copy' action also transfers the notes to the destination.

Any suggestions?

In reply to by Wyvern

I am not sure, but I think the selection filter does assume you want to copy some notes, and it's more about selecting what *else* to copy *or which voices). However, it *is* still possible to copy just lyrics. Select the lyrics (see below), Ctrl+C, click destination, paste. As long as the rhythms line up, it works in the beta.

Selecting a group of lyrics can be done a number of ways. Lasso might work sometimes, and there is always Ctrl+click. But new for 2.0 is a very useful facility: select a range normally, then right click a lyric and choose "select all similar in range selection" to then limit the selection to just the lyrics.

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