Theorbo 8th course Notation

• Oct 7, 2021 - 17:29

I am transcribing an Italian theorbo piece, and the 8th course seems to only display as "0" with a ledger line. In historical Italian theorbo tab, however, the 8th course is always displayed as an "8" (see images attached). Is there currently a way to modify this in MuseScore?

Attachment Size
Historical 8th Course.jpeg 431.6 KB
MuseScore 8th Course.png 7.4 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

I still can't find it, but from memory it must have been something like this: adding a second instrument/theorbo, and on this second staff, you add the "default" sign (the two ledger lines and a "0", like on your second attached picture). Of course, you copy-paste the contents of this/these measure(s)
Then, in the first staff, input a "8" on the top string, which you move in the Inspector with the "Y" offset, and without forgetting to uncheck the "Play" button still in the Inspector, see: 8 b.mscz

Then, simply hide (untick "Visible") the second instrument in the Instruments dialog (shortcut "I"). Generally, this only concerns a few basses and therefore a few measures: so, feasible. Of course, an option would be better, we agree.
And so, you can get : 8 a.mscz


In reply to by

This would be great, of course, as would many other long-awaited features and improvements. Unfortunately, don't count on it too much, since the Tablature part has been totally abandoned, deserted, for more than five years now, due to the lack of a knowledgeable developer interested in this part of the program.

To put it another way, all the features of Tablature were implemented in version... 2 (and the main thing at the beginning), while version 4 is coming soon.

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