Large round note heads

• Feb 4, 2022 - 20:56

I would like large round note heads to emulate EXPlay music books. See the attachement from here

I know how to make the small heads 200% and add the note name into the note. But the slanted shape is a problem. See the second attachment Doe a Deer.mscz

Attachment Size
EZ play music example - Round Heads.JPG 28.71 KB
Doe a Deer.mscz 20.16 KB


The shape of the notehead is dictated by the musical symbols font and none of those included with MuseScore off that circular shape.
At this point the only solution I can come up with (which only works for 1/4th and shorter notes) is to make a small black circular image (SVG), add it to your score and then Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Drag it into a palette. You can now use it as a custom (meaningless) graphic symbol.
Select all black notes (use right-click(Ctrl+click on Mac) and the Select > More options), then click your SVG in the palette and make the stacking order so that is placed just beneath the normal noteheads.

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