Path to plugins doesn't seem to be found

• Feb 8, 2022 - 15:10

I'm trying to install ABC_ImpEx as a plugin. On my system - Linux Mint 20.2 - I have several versions of Musescore including App-Images installed; each of them have the correct path written in the preferences. But anytime I try to activate ABC_impEx, the plugin manager doesn't show it at all. In the field where the path is shown I see another path than that one I have written in the preferences.

All other plugins work without a problem. Only this one requires Python, but Python 3 is installed on my system.

Is there a way to get the plugin working?

Attachment Size
plugin_manager.jpg 24.08 KB


The path is different because this plugin comes with the MuseScore installation instead of being a user installed plugin. That being said, instead of "not working" I rather have that plugin crashing my 3.6.2 AppImage on Ubuntu 20.04 for god knows which reason.

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