How to maintain "unusual" formatting when copying measures

• Mar 2, 2022 - 19:46

I am trying to typeset a sheet with some exercises to practice embouchure (for French horn).
I need to repeat the notes several times with different pitches.

My problem now is that MuseScore destroys some of the formatting, such as the length of some notes (e.g., replaces a half note by two quarters), some of the slurs, etc.
Also, I need to place three dots (ellipses) between some of the notes to indicate a repetition; they get lost, too.

I am attaching the mscz file. Note the last staff on the page, and compare that with the last but third (from which I have just copied it).
(Never mind the different signatures. Also, never mind the missing bar lines; for that exercise they are unnecessary, but probably wouldn't hurt).

Any help and hints will be highly appreciated to make the copying of the staves more efficient.
Right now, I need to do a lot of manual re-adjustments after every copy.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards, Gabriel


The reason your half notes are being changed to ties is actually being obscured by the invisible barlines: the last system on the page, where you're trying to copy the notes, is made of many small measures, whereas the other systems are all one very large measure. When you try to copy the notes from the large measure into the bottom system, some of them cross barlines, thus they need to be split and tied. To make those large measures that are in the top systems, you can select enough measures to contain all the notes, then use Tools -> Measure -> Join Selected Measures. As for the ellipses, using staff text instead of system text for the ellipses preserves them when copied.

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