MMA and Pyton with the plugin BandInMuseScore for MuseScore 3

• Jan 6, 2023 - 18:31

I installed the plugin BandInMuseScore in MuseScore3 and before it I followed the instructions and installed the light combined version of MMA and Pyton. But it's not working.
When I open MIDI file and click the plugin in MuseScore I have message :
"Generation incomplete
MMA accompaniment is ready for you, but we could not generate the MIDI file from it.
Please fix the following error:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 3\bin>cd C:\WPython64\mma-bin-19.08\

C:\WPython64\mma-bin-19.08>..\PYTHON~1.AMD\python.exe -f C:/Users/PC/AppData/Local/Temp/Untitled2_MMA.mid C:/Users/PC/AppData/Local/Temp/
No data created. Did you remember to set a groove/sequence?

The generated MMA file is nevertheless available at "C:/Users/PC/AppData/Local/Temp/"

The last I can't find folder like this at all.
I don't know how "to set a groove/sequence" , also I don't know and I don't have software to open .qml file ( the plugin file type.)
Please help.
Maybe I should install the full MMA and Pyton but I don't know and I don't have software to un- tar .
If someone has successful experience or know how please to answer me.
Thank you very much for your help.Have a good day.


for MS3 i havn't used MS4 yet.

This magnificent plugin written by @berteh bridges and lowers the technical difficulty of generating score using MMA Musical MIDI Accompaniment, i still remember how joyful i was when i first discovered MMA as a free alternative to Band in a Box. The current state of the musescore plugin, however, is far from user friendly for novice. It will work for anyone willing to learn and click a little more.

>open MIDI file
you propably know what you're doing, just be clear:
i didn't use MMA on complex multitracks .mid
i used MMA on a score with one melody line with chords symbols

>can't find folder
folder auto creation not working in this plugin yet.
you may need to create the folder manually, in your case C:/Users/PC/AppData/Local/Temp
contrary to the popup message shown, mma file will not be created if the folder does not exist.
Alternatively, change the folder path to be used by editing .qml

>set a groove/sequence
add chord symbols by using Staff Text , chord text may work too.
this part i guess most people will miss and just leave calling this plugin broken. imho @berteh 's been careless when he put this most essential piece of info on github readme, but not website frontpage.
IMPORTANT : You must use capital letter . eg "Bm" for Bm chord instead of "bm"

>open .qml file
.qml are plaintext, open with the musecore3 buildin editor, or any text editor eg notepad
Inside buildin editor, clicking run will run the opened script.
To run the edited .qml from the musescore3 plugins toolbar menu you must restart musescore after editing and saving a .qml

>edit .qml
additionally setting groove style etc is optional.

> but when plugin throws error
do open .qml and see if you need to fix directory / file name coz sometimes you need to fix the codes to refer to the right file
also open .mma file (also plaintext) to see if your chord symbols are correctly parsed

>install the full MMA and Pyton
no need to, i didn't install the full one.
but check if this exist C:\WPython64\

>Please help.
whenever popup suggests "run the 'mma' command manually", run with os commandline eg windows cmd to see a more detailed report of what's wrong

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