Please organize the style window

• Jan 17, 2023 - 19:21

The "style" window encompasses plenty of great things, but it's a total mess to visualize and find something.
Please categorize the menus (score, beams, text line, etc.) by accurately named families so that the user will be happy. It seems like the menus are not ordered in a random way, but visually speaking it's horrible.

Step 1: just contrast the background with menus of the same family
Step 2: name those families
Step 3: use dropdown menus?

Those are just ideas. I would be grateful if the style menus were organized, in any way.



It is organized logically - things that are related conceptually are grouped together. But it is true that this could be made more visible something.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Groups are not labelled or visually separated/coloured/indented, hence the logic of ordering menus is not explicitly apparent, and this wastes a lot of the user's time (excepted for the experts that perfectly know the menu list).

Also, a search function would be super helpful. There are plenty of options, which is great, but the lack of finding things quickly prevent the user from its UX (which is very pleasant in MS4).

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