What is the purpose of the stop button?

• Jan 18, 2023 - 07:38


I was searching for a way to stop the playback and start again from where I played (like you do in DAWs, press "space" it starts at bar X, press space and it stops, press a third time it start back from bar X).

I noticed that in MS4, "space" is linked to play/pause, not play/stop. That's fine.

There is a "stop playback" action, linkable to a shortcut.

I tried "shift + space" but it does not work. Is this a bug?

I put "ctrl + space" instead. But when I press "ctrl + space" when playing, it acts like a "pause" action, not a stop action. So what us the purpose of this function? Or maybe there is another bug in the shortcut for AZERTY keyboards (hence my "ctrl + space" would act like a "space" only).

Thanks for your help.


Shift+Space doesn't work for me either, but other shortcuts do. Could be that some systems/keyboards don't differentiate Space and Shift+Space indeed.

Anyhow, the function is not different from pause. It exists so that there is a key that only pauses playback, never starts it. Can be useful, I suppose, to make sure you've stopped and don't accidentally restart if you press it more than once.

There is no command to stop playback and reset the playhead to the original position. Not sure that would make more sense than simply adding a command to start playback from the selection point, so you could always start from there regardless of how you stopped.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The shortcut problem comes from MuseScore because "shift + space" works on all my other audio apps. Should I create another topic or is this supposed to be fixed as well as "6" and "." broken shortcuts on AZERTY keyboards?

Concerning the stop function, if it acts like a "pause" button, maybe it should be called "pause" with the "universal symbol". It's a little confusing. But I agree that the differentiation will be more relevant if someday there is in addition a true stop action. In that case, two different symbols and two different names will make sense.

In reply to by creal

I'm not aware of any issues being report for Shift+space. if you're sure it affects the same people that the "6" problem affects, then feel free to add a comment to that issue. Otherwise best to open a new issue.

The difference between pause and stop is never really clear in digital media. Certainly in traditional media it makes no difference in terms of where playback will resume from. So I wouldn't be focusing on that as a distinction likely to be meaningful to people. But a "start over" command makes more intuitive sense to me.

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