Changing the barlines surrounding a selection

• Feb 16, 2023 - 15:18

Hi, I'm having trouble changing the barlines surrounding a range selection.

I've combed through some old forum posts and doxygen several times, but I've never gotten it to work exactly how I would like (either the wrong barline changes, or nothing changes at all)...

    function addRepeats() {
        var c = curScore.newCursor();
        //c.filter = Segment.All;
        //var seg = curScore.selection.startSegment
        //while (seg.prev && seg.segmentType != Segment.BarLineType) {
        //  seg = seg.prev
        //while(! seg.elementAt(0).barlineType) {
        //  seg.prev
        /*while(c.prev() && ! c.segment.elementAt(0).barlineType) {
            var seg = c.segment;
        }*/ //tackle weird range select problem
    while(curScore.selection.elements[0] && curScore.selection.elements[0].type != Element.BARLINE) {
    curScore.selection.elements[0].barlineType = 4;
        //var seg = c.measure.elements[0];
        //seg.barlineType = 4;
        //seg.elementAt(0).barlineType = 4;

Currently I'm only trying to get the leftmost barline to work, and the stuff in comments is other things I've tried.

Thanks in advance for your time :)


how about

  var c = curScore.newCursor();
  var seg = c.segment
  while (seg && seg.elementAt(c.track).type != Element.BAR_LINE ) {
    seg = seg.prev
  seg.elementAt(c.track).barlineType = 2

better compare !=undefined cos !0 is true
Cursor.SELECTION_START requires a range selection, won't work if user's selecting one note may require a following curScore.endCmd()

In reply to by msfp

> Cursor.SELECTION_START requires a range selection, won't work if user's selecting one note

I was aware of that already, but you're right, changing it has only benefits.

Your suggestion unfortunately doesn't seem to work, it only changes the first barline in the score (meaning the while loop stops at !seg and doesnt detect the barline)

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