How achieve nice alignment in columns of text

• Apr 30, 2023 - 10:19

I'm trying to add some registration instructions to a score, copying a manuscript score (attached image).
But how do I achieve the required multi-column layout with nice alignment? I've tried adding text to a vertical frame but can't find how to have two, or four, columns of left-justified text.
I guess the same question might apply to hymn verses, and I've seen old forum threads about dragging text frames into position. Wondering if there's a good way to do this in MS4?
I've tried adding the left column of text into one vertical frame, then creating a text frame with the right hand column, and dragging this to the right of the first, but now I have a massive empty text frame that I don't seem to be able to make disappear.
I've tried making the text in Word and pasting an image of that into a vertical frame, but the result was terrible - mismatched background colours and bad re-sampling / pixelated.
Any help much appreciated!

Attachment Size
IMG_3565.JPG 3.77 MB


Insert two horizontal frames, size them appropriately, add a System break after the second frame,

Hmm, this works OK for a flute or other single-stave instrument but for piano or organ there seems to be an unwanted bracket within the frame.

In reply to by crispin

The bracket can be deleted if the horizontal frame containing it is first made invisible (!), however this deletes the bracket from the organ staves that follow, so not acceptable.
Is this a bug?
Also, select anything that has been made invisible seems to be very troublesome in MS4.

In reply to by crispin

OK, workaround:
Create a score in 3.6.2 with a Vertical frame, insert a horizontal frame into the vertical frame and drag it over to the right a bit. Inserting your text into your vertical frame and the horizontal frame gives you your two columns.. Save it then open in 4.02.

3.6.2 allows you to add a horizontal frame within the vertical frame but 4.0.2 does not let you do this although it seems happy enough to work the frames created in the earlier version.

Attachment Size
frames.mscz 20.66 KB

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