Additional Drives not showing

• May 3, 2023 - 04:37

I have several drives in my system (running Linux Mint) Having installed the latest version of Musescore from the repositries today I can open a file from one of my data devices but when I come to save them The additional (mounted) drives do not show as they are labeled and the file name does not show. For some reason Musescore defaults to //run/user/1000/doc folder with the FID and not the actual file name. If I attempt navigate to /mnt, that folder does not show in the musescore navigator despite not being flagged as hidden, nor should root privileges be required. I can save to my desktop and then use nemo (file manager in Cinnamon) to copy the file across. It appears that there may be a bug in the save routine of the new musescore that prevents selecting mounted drives. Although my FS is Ext4 the drives concerned are mounted as NTFS to give compatibility with windows. I saved a diagnostic log but this page will not permit uploading of compressed archives.


File was lacking an Extension something that Linux rarely relies on. Obviously the forum looks a t the file extension for up loading. :D Thanks

Attachment Size 78.5 KB

In reply to by wlsemmens

This problem still occurs. I cannot access other than my home partition in Linux. None of my local or networked drives Show in MuseScore.

Surely I am not the only Linux user having this issue. Since my initial report I have performed a complete system reload upgrading Linux Mint to 21.1 Cinnamon Desktop and Musescore 4.0.2.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have not.

However i found a solution. The MuseScore version i had installed was from Flatpak, because it's (in my opinion) the easiest way to get MuseScore for Linux Mint. And apparently some other porgrams have this issue as well, when installed through Flatpak.

So I used the AppImage instead, and now it recognizes the second hard drive.

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