pluings: To change the y-position of the tie type and slur type in the code.

• May 5, 2023 - 13:32

How to add code in MuseScore plugins to fix the y-position of all the slurs type or ties type at a certain value, such as fixing the slurs at the middle line of the staff, as shown in the following image?

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屏幕截图 2023-05-05 052339.png 31.14 KB


I'm working on creating a JianPu music notation plugin and to my surprise, once I solved the issues with ties and slurs, I was able to tackle the problem of JianPumusic notation in the MuseScore plugin. However, I'm struggling to change the position of the slurs and ties through the plugin. Here is my initial simplified music notation draft, which was created using the MuseScore plugin.

告白氣球_周杰倫 (Jay Chou).pdf

You can try selecting the tie/slur and then changing element.offsetY (note that this is a relative value, so fixing it to a place in the staff won't easily work)

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