Musescore 4 easier to accidentally drag items (less sticky)

• May 11, 2023 - 21:20

This is admittedly a weird post, I'm mostly curious if anyone else has noticed this or if I'm just crazy.

Ever since switching from 3 to 4 I've noticed it's slightly easier to accidentally drag items when I select them with the mouse. Whether it's up, down, left, or right. Sometimes it stretches the layout, sometimes it moves the selected notes up or down a pitch, sometimes I find rests that are one notch higher or lower than normal.

I recognize it's essentially my own laziness: Doing things too quickly. But I never experienced that before so I wanted to check around with others. Either the "stickiness" of objects in Ver. 3 was more in line with my natural flow, or, as I said, the "stickiness" hasn't changed at all and I'm just nuts.


Accuracy of selecting objects is affected by:
Edit >Preferences >Canvas >Proximity for selecting elements.

Mines is set to 2 which means you have to be pretty close to the object to select it. It can be reduced further and then you have to be very accurate when you try to select an element.

In reply to by underquark

That's actually not the thing I was referring to--sorry I'm finding it hard to describe.

I'm talking about after you have clicked to select something and before you unclick. Sometimes I find that it's very easy to accidentally drag the selection one direction or another.

But thank you for that piece of information because I wasn't aware you could change the selection proximity!

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