IRig Keys Pro MIDI keyboard not responding even when I/O recognize the device

• Aug 29, 2023 - 12:40

I have sieved through the Muse Score chatgroup and saw that IRigPro 37 is not supported by Musescore. I am not sure why. Is this a blanket order that all IRig model midi keyboards are not supported? I am using Muse Score version 4.1.1. and it being the latest version, I was anticipating it to work with the IRig Keys Pro but to my disappointment, it was not happening no matter what I tried. Please provide support for these models. It will significantly facilitate note input. Musescore is impressing me daily although I am also a Sibelius user. I am awed by the feats it can perform. Salute!


In reply to by bobjp

bobjp, everything checks out. The midi keyboard works fine on sibelius. However, the funny thing is that Musescore recognizes the IRig Keys Pro. (playing it will sound the instrument chosen. Eg, writing for piano, you can play the piano sound but in step time input, nothing appears on screen) Most peculiar.

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