Flute Pitch Change problem

• Sep 6, 2023 - 03:38

I am having a little difficulty on changing the pitch.
On the attached clip of a composition that I am working on,
I have 2 Flutes playing the same notes.
But on Flute #1 (top) I changed the frequency slightly
from 0 to 40.
If I then click on this note I can hear the pitch difference.
But on playback there is no difference in the pitch.
If I instead change the pitch from 0 to 50 I can then
hear the pitch difference also on playback.
But this pitch difference is much more than I need.
I am trying to get the resonating tone that you get
when two instruments are just slightly off tune.
Thank you!

Attachment Size
tmpTest.mscz 22.05 KB


Muse Sounds does not yet support pitch adjustments in playback. If you need that feature, switch to MS Basic. But, also consider simply adding a chorus effect iif that's all your trying to do.

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