Colored Key Signatures
It would be helpful to be able to change the color of key signatures.
I use PDF editing software to color the key signatures and key changes in my scores anyway, so it would save a lot of time to be able to automatically color them in MuseScore.
It would also be helpful to be able to assign specific colors to specific key signatures (Bb = blue, G = red, Eb = green, etc)
Some performers I work with appreciate the colored key changes: they're harder to miss that way!
See the screen shots.
Attachment | Size |
Screen Shot 2023-09-10 at 11.46.18 AM.png | 15.37 KB |
Screen Shot 2023-09-10 at 11.46.27 AM.png | 12.36 KB |
This is possible in MuseScore. Select Key Sig. Choose your color in Properties > Appearance > Color
In reply to This is possible in… by [DELETED] 135427
Wow, thank you!
I spent an hour yesterday looking for a way to do this. This will save me a lot of time.
In reply to This is possible in… by [DELETED] 135427
Is it possible to export individual parts with colored key signatures from a larger score?
I applied colored key signatures to a score with four instruments, then I exported the full score and individual parts: upon export, the colored key signatures remain intact in the full score, but are black in the individual parts.
In reply to Is it possible to export… by tjaa26
It is possible. On my Win 11 system the Key Sigs of exported parts keep their color.