Multimeasure rest suggestion
How about adding the ability (with a checkbox in properties for multimeasure rests) to display the measure numbers as a range (e.g, 29-32) below the measure?
How about adding the ability (with a checkbox in properties for multimeasure rests) to display the measure numbers as a range (e.g, 29-32) below the measure?
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There's a checkbox in Format > Style > Measure numbers.
where you can check the box 'Show measure number range at multimeasure rests".
Additionally, if you wish to make the numbers bigger, use Format > Text styles > Multimeasure rest range
This is not very practical IMO. Parts will have measure numbers at the beginning of a staff. The musician doesn't have to know which measure is played. She/he couldn't care less. Only the duration of the silence matters.
In reply to This is not very practical… by [DELETED] 135427
That was my first thought, but I can see it could be useful to in rehearsal if, say, the conductor wants to go back to a bar that is in the middle of of a long multi-measure rest for some of the other players.
In reply to That was my first thought,… by Brer Fox
Yes, possible. But in long silences a cue is indispensable. And there will be rehearsal marks breaking the multimeasure rests.
In reply to Yes, possible. But in long… by [DELETED] 135427
Oh, I agree - there should be these indications already But there are a lot of scores now being uploaded where it’s clear that the creator is not aware of the conventions and practices of professional publishers (or sometimes even the basic ‘grammar’ of music notation).
In reply to Oh, I agree - there should… by Brer Fox
Replying to all of the above: Thanks for the "where it is." One might think they are not needed (as initially said), but for all the reasons given subsequently they're good to have, especially on longer rests. Virtually all the published scores I work with have them and I want them in my scores as well.