Steps to convert piano clefs into guitar clef and transpose key

• Oct 21, 2023 - 03:37


I've always loved the Theme Song to Sailor Moon.

I purchased the score on Ebay. The key is B flat.

I play classical guitar - and I think I've never site read a medium level piece in B flat.

I want to:

  1. Import the 2 clef easy piano score into a single clef guitar score.

  2. Bring the base clef up an octave

  3. Transpose the music into a guitar friendly key: Maybe E,D,A or G.

  4. Manually tweak the music to remove outlier and duplicate notes.

Could someone point me to a few YouTube videos which would get me started?

I wanna start with #1 first.



I don't know a video. There will hardly be one that covers your exact problem. But the necessary steps are easy.

> I purchased the score on Ebay.
In paper form? Then transcribe it into MuseScore. Or as a PDF - then you can use the import function. But beware: this doesn't work perfectly ... It's best to transcribe it manually for a piano as it is written.
Now you have a piano score. Then the next steps are:

  1. Add with 'i' a guitar staff to the score
  2. Select all notes of the bass clef and use Ctrl+ArrowUp to move them an octave up
  3. Select all treble and bass notes of the piano and use "Tools/Implode"
  4. Copy the notes of the new piano treble clef to you guitar
  5. Use "Tools/Transpose" to change into the desired key signature

I've mentioned some keywords, you can find details in the manual.

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