Key signature improperly shown on bass clef when pinned to side

• Nov 1, 2023 - 01:07

Key signature for bass clef shows as if it was on treble clef after scrolling away (key signatures become pinned on the left side. Picture shows actual key signature and pinned (incorrect) key signature.


By "pinned", I take it that you mean you are in continuous (horizontal) view. Can you post the score (the .MSCZ file)? It would also help if you said which version MuseScore, what OS etc. (Help >About MuseScore and look for the little document copy icon the paste the details in the text of your post).

It works fine for me but it does look wrong in your setup:
Screenshot_20231101_014529.png Screenshot_20231101_014621.png

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf

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