Octave Change On Note Entry

• Nov 4, 2023 - 08:39

I'm working through the first "Mastering Musescore" lesson (free on YouTube) and will likely purchase the course. Q: If I want a different octave for the note, other than the one Musescore "chooses," is there a way to set this before I enter the note? MS's method is first enter the note then use Ctrl+Up or Down to change the octave. Not my preferred method. Thanks!


You could use a midi keyboard but that has its own problems in determining whether a black note is a flat or a sharp. With a little experience PC keyboard entry with CTRL up/down becomes intuitive.

What would be your preferred method if neither of those?

In reply to by SteveBlower

You're right about the traditional "piano" keyboard having the issue with MS not knowing how to notate the accidental. This is especially true when writing with no key signature and using highly altered jazz chords. I am constantly having to edit those chords to make it readable for the players. Will continue attempting to use the computer keyboard and eschewing the MIDI controller for note entry.

In reply to by [DELETED] 43727750

A few years ago Musescore changed its PC keyboard entry from specifying accidentals after a note was entered to specifying it before a note was entered. It still catches me out when I am in a hurry and I enter B by when I want Bb I don't think there is any "best" way of doing things, other than "best" being what you are used to. I think I would find it a nuisance to have to specify which octave every time. At least Musescore gets it right sometimes, and shifting octave afterwards when it doesn't, gets to be fairly unthinking.

In reply to by [DELETED] 43727750

Start from the lowest note and then Shiift + note name(s) to add the rest increasing in pitch in turn. Once it gets ingrained it becomes automatic and done without much thought - and it can handle more than 5 notes per stave. If it's not what you are used to it may seem clunky. But knitting probably seems clunky until you have done it for a while and the actions become "automatic".

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