Does Musescore 4 have a collaboration feature?? I know MuseLab is an extention to Musescore 3, but does it also work on 4???
Does Musescore 4 have a collaboration feature?? I know MuseLab is an extention to Musescore 3, but does it also work on 4???
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Here is the link about MuseLab:
but unfortunately MuseLab is not shown in the list of Plugins here:
You might do better to ask on the Plugins forum:
While there isn't a version for 4 yet, I did make a quick tutorial on how to setup MuseLab for Musescore 3!
P.S. It may never be possible to create a MuseLab plugin for 4 because of the way that 4 is designed, even though it is newer, it doesn't have the same file capabilities as 3.