Displaying Jazz Chords Problem

• Dec 26, 2023 - 10:02

Hi all,

I'm analyzing hundreds of jazz lead sheets in musicxml format, and when I load them into Musescore 4.1.1, the chord symbols don't load properly (this wasn't an issue in Musescore 3). The chord types show, but not the roots. I can fix this by manually going into the menu Format > Style > Chords Symbols, and selecting the "Jazz" style option, however, this operation is required for each new loaded lead sheet, and as I'm working with many scores at a time, this is time consuming. If possible I'd like to set things up so the jazz chords style is the default.

I'm using the following version of Musescore 4 on a Macbook Pro
OS: macOS 13.4, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.1-232071203, revision: e4d1ddf

I've attached two screen captures to illustrate the issue. The first, jazz_chords_missing.png shows how each score initially loads, and the second, jazz_chords_showing.png is the result after finding the correct option in the menus.

Any help for with configuration or a process for automating this would be much appreciated!

Thanks and happy holidays :-)

Attachment Size
jazz_chords_missing.png 148.18 KB
jazz_chords_showing.png 148.44 KB


In reply to by HildeK

At the moment, I have over 400 files, and it seems like a lot of work loading each one, changing the style, and then saving it in *.mscz format. Moreover, I will be working with additional musicxml files in the future. Seems like it should be easier.

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