creating a new file

• Dec 26, 2023 - 21:28

It's been at least 2 years since I used Musescore. FOr some reason, I haven't been able to correctly set up a document. I enter the name, composer, etc. but nthing else appears on the page to tell me what to do next. I'd like to select number of staffs, etc. What am I doing wrong? It is probably something simple. please help this old person.thanks.


In reply to by cadiz1

I have version 3. I followed the process, but when I click new, I get a page that I put in my name as composer, etc. but there is nothing left on the page for me to oclick - the tutorial said there should be a Next sign - it is not there . I think I'll uninstall the software program and install version 4 - I did this years ago to my other software I had when it wasn't workin properly. thanks for answering. joyce

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