Ties Across Chords Become HUGE & Stretched

• Dec 28, 2023 - 22:24

Hey, all! I ran into this issue trying to create a piano reduction of a piece originally for trombone(s) soloist and orchestra. When I create ties between single notes (i.e. not chords), they work perfectly as designed. However, when adding ties across chords, even if the tie only connects one note of a chord to the same note of another chord, the tie stretches out grossly, becomes incredibly enlarged, and stretches the affected measure(s) out to the point where they no longer fit on the screen. This glitch has caused the resulting score to be unusable until resolved (luckily, there's no time crunch on this project).

Attached is the file I'm working with, as well as pictures of before and after. Slurs do not cause the same glitch. The pics are of mm. 336-347; however, this glitch occurs all throughout the score; as a result, I've replaced all of them with slurs in the meantime.

Edit: I'm using version: 4.2.0-233521125, revision: eb8d33c


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