Toggle Rest v. Enter Rest from MIDI keyboard

• Dec 30, 2023 - 12:26

In MuseScore 3, if one allocated a MIDI keyboard note to "rest", playing this key entered a rest of the pre-selected duration. This saved moving to the computer keyboard and pressing Zero.

In MuseScore 4, zero on the computer keyboard works the same way, but the remote MIDI key now selects "Toggle Rest", the same as the rest icon in the note input toolbar.
Can anyone advise me what "Toggle Rest" is for? and how to use it?

I have been living with this ever since 4 was launched, and I notice it's still the same in 4.2


In reply to by msfp

Thanks for the link, msfp. I have read through that heated discussion a couple of times now.
Pressing zero is undoubtedly the most efficient way to enter a rest, and I always use this, if entering a run of notes with a rest in the middle.

However, there is no provision for pressing zero from my MIDI keyboard, that's my desire.
I attach a photo of my MIDI keyboard, showing the label that reminds me of my MIDI mappings. The lowest pitched note (if using MS3) remotely presses zero for me. In MS4 it toggles that useless "Toggle Rest" button in the toolbar.

Alternatives like "Right click to enter a rest" or "Put in a note, then delete it to create a rest" are not efficient, as I would have to move to my mouse or qwerty keyboard to do these. I have to do the latter to press zero when using MS4.

I just need to be able to "press zero" from a note on my remote MIDI keyboard.

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MIDI note assignments.jpg 298.46 KB

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