Why doesn't the individual part match it's part in the score?

• Jan 7, 2024 - 20:40

I am pretty new to this software so I'm sure I am missing something simple. When you complete a score, the software automatically creates the individual parts and has a tab for each part where you can look at that part on its own. So I completed the score, but now one of my parts does not match its part in the score. I have no idea why it doesn't match. Any help would be appreciated.


Please provide the score or at least indicate what difference you see in the full score compared to the part.
Beside a slightly different format, the content of the part should be the same as the score.

I've used MS for 10 years and they don't "match" in formatting and look. So if you've paginated your score that doesn't follow into the part. You have pagnate the parts separately.

I figured out the problem - I had a transpositional setting on for one part that didn't need to be there. Thanks for offering the help anyway! It is appreciated.

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