Help with Measure to not extend to the full page.

• Mar 5, 2024 - 17:58


When I was composing this piece of music, musescore inadvertently formatted the first two measures "SACERDOTE", please see photos, to not extend to the whole page. I like that and I wanted to keep it the same for a couple of other score pages I am working on. However, my next scores have just a few more words and when I change the amount of beats in the measure, its for chant so its time-signature-less, it extends it to the whole page and I just don't want that. I want it to be small and concise on the top left like the first version.

Me trying to fix it..

I added a four more empty measures after the last text and was able to shorten the two measures with text to make it look like the first version, but I was not able to make those staff lines invisible to the right of the last text.

I know the automatic formatting is to make measures stretch across the entire page, but is there a way around this? Or is there a way to basically have blank measures without staff lines be there in the program but not show up on printing?

I just would like to know if this is possible and not why are you doing this etc...

Thank you,



In reply to by SteveBlower

It almost works. When I click insert horizontal frame on the measure with the text "mio" it puts the frame before the text and not after. It does shorten the measure before which is good but now there's a large space before "mio". It won't let me put it after the measure. It will let me add a third measure and it would be fine except that single measure with the distance inbetween is still visible and needs to be hidden.

Basically those first two measures with the text are, in this scenario, what the priest would intone before the music begins at the introduction. It's just a cue for the accompanist to see the words. Most of the time the accompanists are not Spanish and don't speak it as well so they need cue words that will help them know, "hey this is what the priest is saying right before the introduction".

In reply to by SteveBlower

Just wanted to let you know I figured it out. Basically I realized it's probably not possible to make program do that. So I just thought out of the box. I added another measure and made those first two measure short like I wanted, then clicked on the extra measure and added a line with 5 Point thickness which covered the whole measure and the staff lines. Worked like a charm, especially with printing. Since it's white the printer leaves it blank.

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