beats added to measure on note input

• Apr 26, 2024 - 09:55

I'm working on a 5/4 piece with 7 parts, some parts have more than one voice. MS4 (OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.1-240230938, revision: d757433) now has started adding beats to the measure when I put notes in, replacing rests. The workaround seems to be pasting the notes, instead of using note input, and then adjusting their pitch and duration.

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In reply to by psjuma

A year or two ago (not sure how long ago?), there was an fairly acrimonious discussion about this. Some people insisted that such was the only correct way to enter notes. Personally, I find it the only incorrect way :-) I agree with your question about its utility.

But that's at least partly why it exists.

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