Extending lyrics over more than one note
I have lyrics which extend over two notes and the underscore showing the note should continue to be sung does not work over one extra note. If it's over more than one note then it always works as it should. It's very frustrating as I have tried and tried to see what I am doing wrong and then I recently read someone else's thread and your reply said to do exactly what I am doing. Is anyone able to help.
You have to hit the underscore key twice to show the line for the syllable to the second note.
See also: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/lyrics#enter-melisma
In reply to You have to hit the… by [DELETED] 1307581
I've tried that and it doesn't always make a difference. I find if I wait a few seconds that sometimes works but not always. Maybe I'm being impatient. As a touch typist I put the lyrics in quite quickly so perhaps I need to wait those few seconds each time.
Thank you for your help. I will try again although I'm up-to-date for the moment.