Custom Scale Creation and Key Snap feature.

• Jul 31, 2024 - 10:28

DISCLAIMER: I originally wrote this feature request on the Github Repository, but i am crossposting it here to increase visibility. Link to the original post (with additional videos):

Hello everyone, i have recently gotten into Musescore. For context, prior to that, i was (and continue to use) DAWs to make music, and there is one feature of a particular DAW, REAPER (and present in similar form in other DAWs such as Cakewalk or FL Studio), that i think would be useful to crossover into Musescore.

The system that i would like to be implemented is two-pronged.

The first aspect is an alternative way to build custom scales, using intervals instead of inputting alterations on the staff. Basically, the way this would work, is you would be able to write down a sequence of intervals (eg. Harmonic Minor Scale: W-h-W-W-h-3/2-h), save it as a preset, and then select the root note at insertion, and the program would automatically generate the key signature on the staff.

The second aspect, deriving from the first, would be to implement a "key snap" feature, which would give you the ability to lock yourself out of notes outside of your working scale. This exists currently in a minor form, in that if you don't plug accidentals manually, the note input with mouse is purely diatonic (or within a heptatonic scale that you made, at any rate). However, the way this would be implemented would allow you to restrict yourself further (at your own discretion, at any time toggleable on or off), to hexatonic or pentatonic scales, which could be created using the previously mentioned scale creation feature. For example, you could build the Major Pentatonic scale using intervals (W–W–3/2–W–3/2), select the root note, turn on the "key snap" feature, and then you would ONLY be able to place notes within the Major Pentatonic Scale of your choosing (say, F Major Pentatonic).

Finally, and this is more of stretch goal but still worth mentioning, would be the ability to bundle these custom presets as files, which could then be uploaded on the internet. This would allow people with an interest in modal work to create bundles of scales, and then share them on Musescore or whatever else, like REAPER does with .reascale files (

Anyways, i'm done with my presentation for the moment. I would be eager and anxious to hear your thoughts on the matter.

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