Odd measure layout issue

• Aug 3, 2024 - 23:46

I have a song that has, typically and appropriately, about 4 measures per line. Except two consecutive measures insist on having a full line apiece. It's totally unreadable.

The second measure has a gaping hole of staved blank space in the center 85% of the page width. This is so odd that I suspect it might be the root of the issue.

There are three instruments. It doesn't matter which combination of the three is set as visible. The image below shows a "good" line and the two problematic ones.

What might be causing this?

edit: I resolved it by cutting and re-pasting the second odd measure.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 6.45.22 PM.png 181.19 KB


"What might be causing this?"

It's impossible to say just from an image. In general, you'll get a better answer by also attaching the score itself (.mscz file).

But my guess is that you had a system break in each of those two measures - and that you had disabled this menu option:
View > Show > Show formatting

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