MS4.3 corrupting scores [HALF-FIXED]

• Aug 12, 2024 - 10:05

My original composition (attached below) seems to have been corrupted after a small revision I made yesterday. After clicking the play button on MuseSore Studio, it turns into the pause one for a split second, before becoming the play button again; it stays silent the whole time, and does the same thing no matter how many times I click it. All uploads of this score to lead to a "Page not found", despite showing in my score manager with thumbnails, as well as allowing me to edit their information. After downloading someone else's score with the same problem, MuseSore Studio wouldn't open any files, crashing whenever I tried to open them; reinstalling seems to have fixed the problem, but the scores mentioned above are still corrupted. I had similar problems, and sometimes the same, on MS4.0 and .1; if you need those scores, ask because I didn't keep them. I never experienced such problems on .2 or .3 until yesterday, and apparently I'm not the only one with this problem. I'm using MS4.3 with Windows 11. Any idea why this might be happening? First they break the website, now it's time to break the software...

Attachment Size
Lavender_Fields.mscz 119.34 KB


In reply to by Evnika_Eresko

Not sure, the problem with the upload sounds to me more like an issue of Maybe you could check it if it only happens by uploading a score with MuseScore Studio or also by uploading a score from the website itself.

For the issue with the scores which occures that MuseScore Studio won't open any files anymore and crashed it needs more information (the corresponding score attached here, steps to reproduce) to see if it's reproducible for other too.

In reply to by kuwitt

Actually, I uploaded the score through .com, but uploading from Studio does the same.
There's no one "corresponding score [to attach]"; opening every single score on my computer, as well as ones I downloaded to check, made the software crash. I don't know how to reproduce it, as it just happened whenever I opened Studio.

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