Piano pedal properties.

• Aug 13, 2024 - 06:30

I not sure if the pedal features/properties I want are already existing but I sure they're not.

  1. See in the screenshot I've attached, I want the pedal release symbol to move from the dotted blue line (end of the quaver rest) to the dotted red line (end of the last note in treble clef). Because the way it appears, a pianist might think they he/she must release the pedal before the end of the bar.

  2. I also want to remove the line between the ped. symbol and the pedal release symbol.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-08-13 065117.png 78.5 KB


For 2, select the pedal symbol and inspect its Properties. Under Pedal / Style is a checkbox to Show line with rosette. Uncheck this.

If it's already unchecked, click View / Show and uncheck Show visible ... because the line is already set to not be visible. (You'll probably want to turn Show visible back on after testing this.)

... exploring your question 1 ...

And, for question 1, here is one way. There may be better ways?

20240813 092321-pedal.jpg

The dotted half rest and the two eighth notes are in Voice 2 and have Play and Visible unchecked. The pedal line is attached to these non-visible notes, which forces the rosette out to the end of the measure (the beginning of the final note).

In reply to by Victor Amediou…

The line is invisible by default but shows as grey in the score editor (unless you disable "Show invisible" in the view menu). It will not show up in a printed version or in a pdf export. You can see exactly what a printed version will look like if you click on "Publish" in the tool bar.

If you select the pedal marking and look in the Properties you will see there is a tick box to override the default and make the line visible in a printed version if you so wish ... you don't, of course, so leave that box unticked.


In reply to by Victor Amediou…

There is a case for making "invisible" elements more ... erm ... visible when editing. Some changes in this direction should be available in the upcoming V 4.4.
See https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/22062

I think these changes just apply to system breaks and similar layout controls. Let's see what is actually included and perhaps create a feature request for the colour of invisible items to be customisable - if they are not already.

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