Rythmic equivalence rebelious phase

• Aug 31, 2024 - 17:11

It seems our little equivalences are around this age when you ask them to do something, first thing they say is "Nope!". Then you ask again, another way, and it works as it should...
Can you fix that, so when we apply an equivalence, it's acting as it should instantly ?

For now, when I apply equivalence, tempo of the equivalence is set at 120BPM. I need to uncheck the box "follow written tempo", then check this box again. Now the equivalence follow my original, even if I change it...
Could we just skip the secret box-checking-technique" ?

here is a video of the problem :


ayana, what version of MuS (Help / About Musescore, then click the button with the two pieces of paper, immediately left of the "Revision") do you have installed? And what version of your operating system (in Windows, open Control Panel / System and click the "Copy" button next to "Windows specifications") do you have?

I have

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.1-240230937, revision: d757433

... and ...

Edition Windows 11 Home
Version 23H
Installed on ?2023-?08-?12
OS build 22631.4037
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1027.0

... and I can confirm that I'm seeing the same behavior as OP.

1) Enter a few bars of music.
2) At some point, enter a metronome marking (e.g., [quarter note] = 180).
3) At a later point, enter an equivalence marking (e.g., [quarter note] = [half note]).
4) Click to Play.

You will find that the tempo at the equivalence marking goes to [quarter note] = 120, no matter what the prior metronome marking was set to.

5) Select the equivalence marking.
6) View the Properties tab.
7) Uncheck the box to Follow written tempo. Without doing anything else, re-check the box to Follow written tempo.
8) Click to Play

Now the tempo at the equivalence marking goes to the correct tempo: i.e., double the metronome marking.

I have tried this with most of the equivalence markings and with different metronome tempos. In every case that I have tried, the equivalence marking changed tempo to [quarter note] = 120. Then after un- and re-checking Follow written tempo, the equivalence marking changed tempo to the correct value.

In reply to by TheHutch

- Musescore studio 4.4.0
- Windows : Windows 10 Pro
Version 20H2
Installé le ‎17/‎10/‎2020
Version du système d’exploitation 19042.868
Expérience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

As far as I remember, equivalence marking have always been weird (last versions of 3.x 'till now). But I can't confirm it the problem was the same or not (as I don't use them anymore)

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