Option to sign in with Facebook account on Musicscore connect sidebar

• Oct 15, 2014 - 18:54

In the sidebar "Musicscore connect" it only offer option to sign in with "musicscore account" but not for "Facebook account". Thank you.


In anticipation for Facebook Login to become available in MuseScore Connect, the solution for you is to use you MuseScore username and password. Your username is buzongenaro and your password can be set by yourself via https://musescore.com/settings

Let me know in case you need further help.

I totally dislike the idea of encouraging people to use Facebook here. Facebook does not need to know about Musescore activity. It is annoying to be encouraged to use Facebook login, which is mostly about tracking.

It is totally in Musescore's interest to get people to make accounts in the Musescore system. Please REJECT this request for Facebook login.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I oppose it because I think it is worse than neutral. I think it is better without it. I don't support encouraging people to use Facebook login. Including it means many people who don't particularly *care* about it are likely to use it anyway, since it is there. And it is better to encourage people to use Musescore and also better to encourage people to *reduce* the use of Facebook. Obviously this is just my opinion, but I'm not saying this thoughtlessly. Facebook's business model is unethical and shouldn't be tacitly endorsed.

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