When played, it is doubled in speed, and the sound is also a very high pitch peculiar to double speed.

• Sep 4, 2024 - 00:16

This is about the Muse Score software, not the website. I sent an inquiry to the same email address the other day, but I haven't received a reply, so I'm sending another message. I'll say it again, when I started the project and played the score, it was at double speed and the pitch of the sound was very high, which is typical of double speed. No matter what settings I tried, it didn't fix it. I tried resetting the settings and re-downloading it, but it didn't improve. Please do something about it. I don't have much time, so please reply and take action as soon as possible. I've attached a video.

(This text is pasted as it is from the part sent in the inquiry. I didn't get a reply from the management, so let me ask you a question here as well.)


Windows環境でデスクトップアプリの MuseScore Studio Ver. 4 を使っているということであれば,
MuseScore ではなく,Windows の設定で,サウンドデバイスの出力のサンプリング周波数を 44100Hz か 48000Hz にすると,テンポも音高も期待通りに鳴るかもしれません.
この不具合は Ver. 4 シリーズの初期にあった不具合で,どこかのバージョンで直されたはずなのですが,

私の理解では,デスクトップアプリの MuseScore Studio はメールでのサポートはしていないはずで,問合せ用のメールアドレスはどこにも書いてないような気がしているのですが... .


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