Diminished playback when scores are posted to the MuseScore Web Page

• Sep 4, 2024 - 20:10

I am in awe of the new orchestral sounds in MuseScore 4.0 and up. My playback at home gives me amazing feedback as to instrument sounds and possibility. However, when I have posted an mscz file to the MuseScore web page, all the sounds are off and the dynamics are wrong which makes the score almost unrecognizable from what I had created in my home set-up. Any advice for how I can post my scores and have them sound the same as I created them on the web page (or youtube for that matter)? My only recourse has been to create an mp3 and post to another music streaming site. I suspect that the web page does not have access to the new sound patches...

Attachment Size
The Yearning.mscz 153.78 KB


If it works on your computer, playing from the application, and doesn't work on the website, you should probably contact the support on that website. You are on musescore.org and the "MuseScore web page" is musescore.com a (mostly!) separate entity. See How and where to ask for support for info on who to talk to where.

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