need to smush notes

• Sep 5, 2024 - 17:41

this bottom stave no matter how much I try to hide it will always stretch out the other parts. is there any way I can smush the notes together?

Thank you

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Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 17.39.49.png 2.46 MB


In reply to by igo spekkyjarv…

It's the bottom harp stave that is causing the wide spacing. I assume you have added it to get round the lack of working harp pedals in version 3. Unfortunately in Musescore 3 invisible items on a visible stave still affect layout. This is fixed in Version 4.

However, all is not lost! If you go to Edit>Instruments and uncheck the Visible box for that last instrument then the whole thing for that instrument, staves and all are hidden and then do not affect layout. Of course that makes it impossible to add notes to that stave and so it will have to be made invisible after you have entered everything you need there.

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