Better visual feedback

• Sep 8, 2024 - 11:17

Now that MU4 has expanded to allow several other external 3rd party libraries - very welcome - BTW - it isn't always so easy to spot which instruments are playing from which library.

It is not always very convenient to have to go click checking to see which particular library is being used for each instrument.

There must be a way of making this easier, such as using an additional text field in the mixer or using colour coding.

How about that for a suggestion - to be implemented sooner, rather than later.


I like this idea- especially a search field and color coding. For users that have numerous libraries, it takes a minute to switch all of them to your desired.
Another idea I had is to have a little popup of ‘recommended’ instruments. For example, if I added a snare drum to my score and went down to the mixer, there would be a tab that has all the snare instruments from various different libraries (like muse sounds, cineperc, tapspace) for an easy access.

That one seems a bit complicated- I don’t know how hard it would be to pull off, but it’s an idea.

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