Remove scores from Home view

• Sep 11, 2024 - 20:23

I'd like to have my Home screen tidied up, but I can't delete files I won't use anymore. In addition to that, I still see files that are already deleted from the system - they only get removed if I click on them specifically, and then the program detects that it doesn't exist


You are having exactly the problem that I used to have. The issue magically went away for me sometime last spring.

You may be able to use File / Open recent / Clear recent files. This will empty that list completely. (However, this option was simply not present when I was having this problem.)

If you delete a file (or simply rename or move it from the location where MuS knows it is, MuS is supposed to remove it from the list. (However, I know this sometimes doesn't work: mine didn't for a year or two.)

You can modify the list rather than empty it completely ... IF you feel confident of your computer skills: try modifying the .JSON file that I describe in Delete old songs from library at timestamp Mar 11, 2024 - 16:23. If you want to try this, make a backup copy of the file before you modify it!

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