audio n funciona

• Sep 13, 2024 - 22:26

a droga do meu aúdio n sai desse app do caramba, to a meia hora tentando arrumar essa bomba n vai, e n é meu fone, pq eu testei.
quero meu musescore funcionando, se n é deslike


Provide the version of MuseScore you are running (click Help / About MuseScore, then click the "Copy" button next to "Revision" (icon is two pieces of paper). Then paste it into the message.

Also identify the operating system you are working on (In Windows, it's Control Panel / System / Windows specifications and click the Copy button) and paste this into the message as well.

Then, describe in detail what MuseScore is doing rather than just complain about what it's not doing.

Finally, you'll be more likely to get good responses by posting in English here on the English-language forum. (Sadly, it looks like there isn't a forum in Portuguese? I had thought there was.)

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