Integration of Adaptive Audio Staves from StaffPad into MuseScore

• Sep 14, 2024 - 16:15

As StaffPad is part of MuseGroup, this presents a unique opportunity to enhance MuseScore's capabilities by leveraging features from its sister software.

Benefits of Adaptive Audio Staves Integration:

  1. Realistic Playback Experience: Adaptive Audio Staves offer dynamic and expressive playback, closely mimicking the nuances of live performances. This would greatly benefit composers seeking immediate, high-quality auditory feedback.

  2. Enhanced Compositional Tools: Incorporating this feature would provide users with advanced tools for articulation, dynamics, and expression directly within MuseScore, streamlining the composition process.

  3. Attracting a Broader User Base: By offering features typically found in premium software, MuseScore could appeal to a wider range of musicians, from students to professionals.

  4. Seamless Ecosystem Integration: As both applications are under MuseGroup, sharing features like Adaptive Audio Staves would promote a more unified and cohesive user experience across the platform.

I believe that adding the Adaptive Audio Staves feature would significantly elevate MuseScore's functionality and user satisfaction.

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to the continued growth and success of MuseScore.

Adding Audio

Adaptive Audio

Editing Audio

Tempo Mapping


I can't test how good StaffPad playback is because I would have to buy it. Which makes me wonder why they would add it to MuseScore and lose money. Just a thought.

In reply to by bobjp

Because of workflow. Staffpad is part of musegroup and for seamless interoperability the audio staffs are needed and I personally still prefer working on a mac rather than an iPad. 13” is to small for my taste.

I mean the muse sound 3rd party libraries that where exclusively available for staffpad are available for musescore too.

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