Free format/extended text in properties?

• Sep 21, 2024 - 04:16

If there was a way to have long winded descriptions/information/playing notes somewhere associated with a score I would use this. I was thinking a resizable form field in the project properties? See attached below.

I could put paragraphs as text at the end of the score, but I like the idea this is something that a player would refer to for additional information that is otherwise not possible to describe on the score, and then they wouldn't have to refer to it again. Having it directly on the score would just clog up space and also not be particularly pretty.

Additionally it would be nice to have a toolbar link to the Project Properties, maybe like an "(i) Info" button up the top somewhere. File->Project Properties is really useful for me but is kinda hidden away.

Thanks, long time user and supporter!

Attachment Size
Musescore_playing_notes.png 44.92 KB

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