Musescore crashes when opening specific file

• Sep 21, 2024 - 18:50

Hi everyone,

I've been writing a score on Musescore 4.4.2 and it's been working fine for most of the time. When I was done I saved the file and closed Musescore. Afterwards I tried installing MuseSounds to see how the playback would sound, but upon reopening the file, the Musescore interface would appear completely unresponsive without any score showing, and after about 5 seconds it would crash without any sort of error message. I have then tried uninstalling MuseSounds, reinstalling Musescore, and resetting preferences back to factory settings, neither of which helped.

So I went back to a previous version of the score that I had backed up (which opened just fine) and basically repeated the whole process, with the same results. Luckily I did a PDF export this time, so it's not too bad, but obviously I'd still like to be able to open the file in Musescore at some point.

I already did some research on the issue, but couldn't find anything that really applied. The log files do show some errors, but those seem to appear when opening other working scores too. I've attached the log file as well as the score. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!


See: 0Hochzeitsmarsch Partitur.mscz
Might be related to this issue (hidden instruments) ?
But there's more to it than that. To be investigated.
EDIT: no, it's not the trigger (or the main/only trigger). To be continued.
EDIT1: . The problem was in one staff (Klarinette in ES) where numerous grace notes apparently caused a problem when the staff was hidden. Something went wrong somewhere, but exporting in XML format also solves the problem, and I can't reproduce it from scratch, at least for now, with 4.4.2.

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