Identify if some element is of text nature

• Sep 22, 2024 - 12:37

Is there a way to identify that an element is a text element ? (my goal is to write a plugin that applies some colour and frame formatting)

Now I'm testing the typeof the element with a list of known text types:

console.log("element "+i+" is " + element.userName());
if (element.type == Element.REHEARSAL_MARK ||
    element.type == Element.HARMONY ||
    element.type == Element.SYSTEM_TEXT ||
    element.type == Element.STAFF_TEXT ||

Is there a more generic way to identify text elements ?


Maybe you could test for the existence of one of the text properties that you require and only apply the formatting when you find it.

For one of my plugins I built a list of element types as I came across them but it's clearly not a definitive list:

property var rgbElem : [ 20, 11, 42, 19, 25, 32, 33, 34, 58, 6, 7 ] // RGB-able elements

(These are v3 values and I think they changed with v4 but the enumeration object is quite slow so I chose not to use it).

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