Playback adds unwritten Sonds in Score for Violas (section)

• Sep 22, 2024 - 14:00

I stumbled upon an issue, where the playback adds a g♭'/f♯', even though only a♭'/g♯' is written down. I was able recreate the issue in the score down below (Demo.mscz).
- It occurs only when the note note directly before or after the a♭'/g♯' is an e♭'/d♯'.
--> It does NOT occur in any other octave or transposition I tried out.
--> It does NOT occur when one of the notes is any other note I tried out.
--> It does NOT occur when a rest separates the notes.
- It occurs in any rhythm.
- It occurs across bars.
- It occurs only when the selected instrument is "Violas (section)"
--> It does NOT occur with any other instrument I tried out.
- I occurs with different dynamics, however in f and in mf it is the most audible.

I am using MuseScore Studio Version 4.4.2 and Muse Strings on Windows 10.

Attachment Size
Demo.mscz 33.33 KB

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