Muse.UiCmmponents 1.0
You can perfectly make a plugin work with 4.4 without using Muse.UiComponents, but in case you'd like the built-in design I gathered some common Muse.Uicomponents that i coud figure out. Sharing them here for reference.
Obs. Rounded Radio has built-in text component but i couldnt make it work so i had to add a StyledTextLabel.
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import Muse.UiComponents 1.0
1. RoundedRadioButton
ButtonGroup{ id: radioGroup } Column { spacing:10 RoundedRadioButton{ id: radio1 text: "text" radioGroup } Row { RoundedRadioButton{ id: radio2 text: "buttontext" radioGroup } StyledTextLabel{ leftPadding: 5 text: "text here" } } }
2. checkBox
Column{ spacing:10 id:boxes CheckBox{ id:checkbox1 text: "text here..." onClicked: checked = !checked } CheckBox{ id:checkbox2 text: "text here..." onClicked: checked = !checked } }
3. Standard buttons
ButtonBox { id: buttonBox anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom window.bottom anchors.margins: 10 buttons: [ ButtonBoxModel.Cancel, ButtonBoxModel.Ok ] FlatButton { text:"some other button" //accentButton: true buttonRole: ButtonBoxModel.CustomRole buttonId: ButtonBoxModel.CustomButton + 1 //isLeftSide: true onClicked: { //somefunction() } } onStandardButtonClicked: function(buttonId) { if (buttonId === ButtonBoxModel.Cancel) { quit() } else if (buttonId === ButtonBoxModel.Ok) { //somefunction() } } }
4. IncrementalPropertyControl
Row{ spacing: 12 StyledTextLabel { id: titleLabel // width: root.columnWidth anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter text: " text here: " //horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft //wrapMode: Text.WordWrap maximumLineCount: 2 } IncrementalPropertyControl { id: rounding implicitWidth: 60 step: 1 minValue: 0 maxValue: 2 decimals: 0 currentValue: 0 onValueEdited: function(newValue) {currentValue = newValue} } }
Row{ spacing: 12 StyledTextLabel { text: "text here.." } StyledDropdown { id: comboBox //width: 60 //optional currentIndex: 1 model: ["Option 0", "Option 1" , "Option 2"] onActivated: function(index, value) { currentIndex = index } } }
6. Popup Dialog
ApplicationWindow { id: errorDialog title: "WARNING!" property var msg: "Warning message here." visible: false flags: Qt.Dialog | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint // Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint => dialog always on top // Qt.FramelessWindowHint => dialog without title bar width: 320 height: 100 StyledTextLabel { text: errorDialog.msg anchors{ top: horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter margins:20 } } FlatButton { accentButton: true text: "Ok!" anchors{ horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter bottom: parent.bottom margins: 10 } onClicked: errorDialog.close() } }
note: open dialog by ""
7. Horizontal separator line
SeparatorLine { //orientation: Qt.Vertical }
Seems that the CheckBox does not get checked and even the value is always false. So you cannot ever get the true value of the checkbox.
In reply to Seems that the CheckBox does… by SilverGreen93
right! i couldnt figure out why that is and how to make it work. Hopefully someone figures this out and shares how to do it.
Another issue i had was with the text component of RoundedRadioButton. It seems that is has a text component (just like the checkbox but the text doesnt appear for some reason...
In reply to right! i couldnt figure out… by .ash86
I figured it out. To make it work, you need a function to toggle its state. Just add this and it will work:
onClicked: function() {
checked = !checked
In reply to I figured it out. To make it… by SilverGreen93
Awesome! i'll add that to the original post. I also noticed you dont need to encapsulate checked = !checked inside a function def.
Let me know if you ficgure out how to enable the text element in the RoundedRadioButton or if you have a new element to be added to the list.
Anyone figured out how to add a modelList to StyledDropdown element?
In reply to Anyone figured out how to… by .ash86
Of course:
model: [
{ 'text': "Option 0" },
{ 'text': "Option 1" },
{ 'text': "Option 2" }
onActivated: function(index, value) {
currentIndex = index
In reply to Of course: … by SilverGreen93
thank you :))
Is it possible to make a StyledDropdown object with submenu?