MS4.4.2: Text Styles>Fretboard Diagram Fret Number styles working for anyone?

• Sep 26, 2024 - 00:01

The Font face and Size settings work in Text Styles>Fretboard Diagram Fret Number ... but it appears that we have non-functioning properties in highlighted area [in the red rectangle] of the attached image. It's as if the Style panel update project was a started late Friday and forgotten on Monday.

Please bear in mind, the large collection of properties shown in the attached image strictly control the Fret Number.

I find the default Fret Number positioning uncomfortably close to the diagram so I looked for a Style:

     • I opened the Style>Fretboard>Fretboard Diagram panel.
     • Then I pressed the button labeled Edit Fretboard Number Text Style

Unfortunately it seems that the x / y values there don't effect anything. Am I missing something?

Here's an example of the Fret Number located to the left of the bar fingering.

      Fretboard Diagram with A Bar and Fret Number 5.png

And in the panel below the highlighted section shows the area in which properties seem to have no effect.

MS4-4-2Test Styles - Fretboard Diagrams 02.jpg

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