Figured bass numbers and signs are not showing in the braille display and braille Pannal and the braille pannel does not have the support for JAWS
Hi, I am a JAWS user and I do use a Braille Display. I was adding figured bass in the notation and tabbed to the braille view, I do not see or find the figured bass sign and the numbers on the braille. Also, I was using NVDA for the time being for using Muse score and I tried using the braille panel with JAWS, It was not working. Is JAWS going to be implemented in the braille view of muse score? It does not work for people who are JAWS users.
Hi, apologies for the late response, I just saw this. Figured bass and roman numeral analysis is kind of a weird situation, and because MuseScore's braille panel is still rudimentary, it doesn't show a lot more besides notes/rhythms/dynamics/lyrics/articulations. As of now, MuseScore is reported to work much better with NVDA. Problems with JAWS are being investigated, but fixing them isn't easy from what I've heard. If you want to learn more, I suggest joining the MuseScore Accessibility group at The email address to join is